U PULL IT in Omaha, NE provides you the ability to purchase quality used auto parts at the most affordable price. The process of finding the parts you need begins when you pay a low entrance fee to gain access to the salvage yard. To make your trip to the yard as productive as possible, here are a few tips to consider before your visit:
Because many different types of auto parts are interchangeable from one model to another, our experienced staff will assist you in finding compatible parts. When you enter the yard, please consult one of our staff members for help.
At no cost we provide wheelbarrows, carts and engine hoists, to assist in removing and hauling parts. Your safety is our priority so please use these aids to prevent injury while carrying parts.
We do not provide tools on site and do not have electrical outlets. Please bring you own tools and battery operated tools suitable for removing the parts you need.
Some auto parts, including brake assembles and axles, come complete with attached or associated components. Each component is purchased individually. So please remove attached or associated components if you do not need them.
Bring a lubricant such as WD-40 to help loosen stubborn parts from a vehicle. In addition, consider bringing a flashlight along so that you will be able to see parts that are located in more recessed areas of a vehicle.
When pulling larger parts from vehicles, please bring at least one helper to assist. All persons should wear durable clothing and keep in mind clothing may get dirty or torn in the process of finding and pulling parts. For safety, we recommend that you wear closed toed shoes or boots. Sandals are not allowed.
Refunds are not available, although we do offer a 30-day exchange program for in-store credit.
While vehicles can be purchased, if located in the “Vehicles For Sale”. They are purchased in as-is condition.
Cash, debit and major credit cards (Visa, MasterCard and Discover) are accepted. We do not accept personal checks.
Pets on leashes are permitted.
No alcohol is allowed on the premises.
No one under the age of 16 is allowed in the yard.
If you have any questions about used auto parts or the process of pulling parts at U PULL IT in Omaha, please contact us by phone or email at info@upullitnebraska.com